School Discipline
We teach morals and discipline on daily basis and we ensure that our pupils improve on their learning habits, We are proud of the excellent behaviour of our pupils. We discuss issues concerning behaviour during Assembly. We teach our pupils to listen to news, watch educational programs and read the news paper during their leisure time. We teach every child to grow in the right way and to stay away from bad company. We also teach how to negotiate and resolve conflict as part of the personal and social education curriculum. The older children are expected to set good examples to the younger ones as part of their additional responsibilities.
Communication with Parents & Guardians
We practice an open-door policy and we totally appreciate to hear from the parents and guardians because they are one of the major stakeholders. Parents and guardians are welcome to visit the school to discuss their child’s progress. Therefore, they can put a call across. The school also contact parents on similar matters. News, events, holiday dates, appeals and other information is circulated through school newsletters. Letters are also sent home via children’s homework diary/communication book or enveloped letters. If you are concerned about your child’s educational progress, health or happiness, please come to the school straight away to see your child’s teacher.

Medical Services
The medical condition of every child is extremely important to us, Therefore, We have a well-equipped healing bay and first aid box. The school nurse/medical officer visits regularly and may be contacted via the school. The school nurse/medical officer makes regular medical examination on the pupils. Parents are welcome to be present at these examinations.
If any child has health complain, a telephone call is made to the parents after administering first aid treatment.
School Uniform
Pupils are expected to wear the appropriate school uniform & cardigan provided by the school, any other uniform, cloths or cardigan that is not provided by the school world not be allowed in the school premises.
The school uniform must be purchased at the school.
Transport Service
We offer a bus/transport service to our pupils in the following locations around Ikorodu.
Anyangburen estate, Lucky fibre, Sabo, Imota, Ijede, Itamaga, Parafa, Oke-eletu, Elepe, Adamo, Laketu, Eyita estate, Low cost housing estate, Ladega, Ebute, Ibeshe, Lagos road (ikorodu garage), Maya – Itele, Ajegunle, Kajola, Goshen Estate, Odogunyan, Sagamu road, Gberibe, Ota-ona
School trips and Excursions
School trips and Excursions are used to widen the scope of the school curriculum and to give our pupils an enhanced education. Parents will be informed about the school trip or excursion few days before the excursion/school trip .Parents would be have to fill a consent form which would be submitted to the school before the trip/excursion, Where consent forms are not signed, pupils will not be permitted by the school to participate in such activities.